Cybersecurity Readiness

Cybersecurity threats are never-ending in today's world. In the past few weeks, we have discussed how cyber threats are up with the many uncertainties surrounding COVID-19. The issue with cyberthreats is that there will always be some form of uncertainty in our world, and the cybercriminals only need one hole or weak point to carry out a malicious plan. To help your team combat cybercrimes' imminent threat, we will be doing a three-part series on cyber readiness strategies. We will be attacking these steps sequentially each week. We hope that these steps will help keep you one step ahead of a malicious cyberattack.


To start this critical series of strategies, we will be working from the ground up. It may sound rudimentary, but you must have a plan. This plan is your "Cyber Readiness Plan." For your entire organization to be ready, all members must know what steps to take to prevent an attack, work securely and safely, and the appropriate recover strategy. This plan must be multi-dimensional as cybercriminals only need one tiny crack in your organization to deploy a successful malicious attack.


This week, we will focus on the front-end steps of your plan. These are the steps your organization need to take to prepare to prevent an intrusion.

  • Establish Strict Policies and Procedures: Policies and procedures regulate business operations and are imperative for defining your standards and expectations of behavior and actions within your office environment. These strict security protocols will lay the groundwork for your business. In addition, a system of validation and enforcement must also be in place as, without consequences, these policies and rules are only suggestions.


While on the topic of validating your protocols, it is essential to ensure every member of your team understands the immediate threat in which cybercrimes pose.

  • Security Awareness Training: Without education and experience, our employees are the weakest link in security. 90% of attacks are due to employee error and could have been prevented. Instituting a security awareness training program not only trains your team on the threat but also gives them a guidebook on when vigilance is necessary. Thus, reducing the probability of user-related errors and exposures and creating a solid front-line of defense.

Even with a strong front-line, you must provide your teams with the necessary protection.

  • Enforce Multi-factor Authentication: One-level security is no longer efficient. Even the most robust passwords are vulnerable to theft or exposure. Requiring more than one method to authenticate user identity or grant permissions can reduce or even eliminate the risk of stolen or unauthorized credentials being hacked.

The correct preparation can help prevent a significant loss due to cybercrimes. If you are ready to build your Cyber Readiness Plan, contact your Pendello Solutions Team today. Our team has the knowledge and experience to develop a plan that is right for you. In addition, make sure you are subscribed to our blogs to not miss out on part two and three of this series.


At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


Are You Cyber-Ready?


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