Are You Cyber-Ready?

As most of us know, cyber threats are on the rise due to the many uncertainties in our world. To combat the imminent risk, last week, we began our three-part Cybersecurity Readiness series. Part one of the series covered the necessary groundwork for a successful cybersecurity readiness plan. Without a multi-dimensional plan, the flaws and holes will be prevalent in your security. With the right foundation in place, we can move on to part two, which includes the steps we need to take daily to sustain a robust security strategy.

Part-two of our cybersecurity readiness series includes the daily steps needed to help prevent a malicious cyberattack.

Make sure your data is secure. This means the name of the game is Backup.

  • Backup Essential: Data is the lifeblood of every business. Unfortunately, the risks and threats to the protection, privacy, and usability of that data are endless. We believe in having your data backed up in three separate locations for security and usability. Our clients' data is backed up through production data on premise, secondary local backup and an additional offsite backup for disaster recovery purposes. For those clients who are solely cloud-based, this data is saved securely in the cloud, backed up on redundant servers within the cloud and we take it a step further by also backing up this data through a third-party location. Ensuring that your data is protected and secure from cyber threats and employee error is crucial in your cyber strategy and necessary for running an efficient business.

Many industries rely on regulation. Not only can you be fined by not be maintaining proper regulatory standards, but this also leaves a hole or weak point for cyberattacks.

  • Compliance is not a suggestion: Maintaining regulatory compliance is mandatory for many organizations. Navigating and satisfying the obligations can be costly and timely, although achieving compliance is a critical component of having a cyber ready business. Security and privacy are integral elements of compliance.

Many do not view routine updates as an essential part of a security strategy, although those updates do more than add new features to your applications.

  • Keep Systems updated: Software updates often introduce new or enhanced features into your apps, programs, and systems, but more importantly, they also install security and performance fixes known as patches. Undiscovered defects or flaws can leave your systems exposed. Hackers will exploit any vulnerability or security gap they find. Keeping your systems updated is vital for keeping your business cyber ready.


Your security strategy needs to include a backed-up and updated business. Although these steps can take time and money, the alternative of falling victim to a cyberattack can be much more costly. On average, a cyberattack can cost a business $1.1 million as well as its hard-earned reputation. Do your due diligence, so you are not an easy victim. Contact your Pendello Solutions team today and let us help you create the necessary steps to a secure environment.

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


Are You At Risk? Do Your Research!


Cybersecurity Readiness