Breaking News: Unicorns Are Real

Meghan, our Service Manager: Aka, a real-life Unicorn

As far as Managed Service Providers (MSPs) go, service managers are quite common. As normal as it is to have a service manager, our service manager is actually one of the aspects that sets Pendello Solutions apart from its competitors! Her name is Meghan and we call her the unicorn. This nickname was derived not because she has a horn, four legs or has a sparkly mane but because of who she is and how she handles the fast-paced world of technology! I spent a little bit of time with this beach loving, foodie who is Meghan. During our time together, I got a peek inside her world and attempted to understand how she does what she does while still keeping her contagiously happy attitude and sparkly spirit.

Meghan’s background is not in technology (it is actually in community health education) so, my initial confusion was, “How did a Unicorn find her way into managing business technology associates at Pendello Solutions? Was she lost or did her magical powers lead her here?”

Meghan: This is kind of a story, so get comfortable! I was working in a terrible job that I did not enjoy and left rather suddenly which is definitely out of character for me! I attempted to fall back on my college career of being a nanny but the timing was off as my previous family, had already found a nanny for the year. I was just trying to fill my time with babysitting, as I found openings, and applying for jobs when I wasn’t babysitting. Luckily, Jill, Pendello Solutions Vice President of Operations was on a non-for-profit board of which I had previously worked for the founder. Jill and my paths coincidentally crossed and truly the rest is history!

I quickly found out it was Meghan’s magical powers that lead her to Pendello Solutions and thank goodness they did! But since it is a Kansas State Law that you cannot use magical unicorn powers to make you the very best at your job, I wondered what made her so great at what she did?

Meghan: Well, my degree is in Community Health Education which is actually in the “Education” realm of degrees. Within the program we focused on creating health programing for communities. One specific project that sticks in my mind was with a community where diabetes was extremely prevalent. Part of our project was, after assessing the overall community and where the gaps were, we developed a workout routine in which we could share with the elderly, diabetic portion of the community. So, this was my first exposure to assessing problems, implementing solutions and testing to see if the resolutions were effective! This gave me my initial start on the problem-solving aspect of my job.

Secondly, I have an absolute passion for helping others and talking to people! The pen is my happy place! I LOVE Every Single One of those guys! I feel like I am kind of their surrogate mother and that totally fosters my need to nurture! It just kills me when I have to be tough on them and lay down stricter expectations!! Additionally, I am so incredibly lucky to have such a strong female role model (Jill AlJundi) in this company! Being a female (aka a unicorn) in the technology industry can be quite trying. Jill has taught me so very much about being strong and effective in this fast-paced company which I love!

My parents’ careers should have also been a foreshadowing of what I was destined to do! My mom always did operations and my Dad was always involved in computers and I never thought I would want any part of what they did! Now, I truly have the perfect combination of their careers and I absolutely love my job!!

What happens when you can use your magical powers, I was curious… In what ways has Meghan amazed the world in the past that most may not know about?

Meghan: I was a majorette and a jazz dancer! I can magically twirl a baton! I discovered this magical talent at a very young age and continued this skill through high school!

Wow, there is so much to learn about our real-life Unicorn and her true passion for being phenomenal! Now I’m wondering, what might she, the magical being that she is, want her clients to know about her?

Meghan: Oh wow, without revealing too much about a unicorn’s true power this is difficult! But, if I could let all of our incredible Pendello Solutions clients know one thing, it would be how much I love getting to talk to them!! I am very rarely on client sites and also very rarely on the phones with them so when a call does by chance roll over to me, I am overjoyed! Since, by law, I’m not allowed to use my magical powers at the office, I typically cannot resolve their issues, but I love being their “1st responder” on the path to resolving the issue!

If you have ever had the opportunity to talk with Meghan, you know first- hand just how magical she is. If you have not yet been lucky enough to call during a peak-time where the calls were rolled over to her, be patient, your time too will hopefully come. If you are feeling lucky today, call the team at Pendello Solutions! If Meghan doesn’t answer, one of our genius business technology assoiciates will; and can get you and your business on the track to true magical happiness!!

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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