What Should I Do To Protect Myself And My Organization?

Last week we spotlighted the Dark Web. We focused on what it is and why it is dangerous. The Dark Web is where credentials end up if your data is compromised. If your data was compromised - even one account, your credentials need to be attended to immediately. The first thing you should do is change your passwords for all accounts you may have used that same password. Passwords should be complex and a combination of at least 8-10 letters and characters. It would be best to consider making your strong password a passphrase, a sequence of words meshed together. In addition to the primary step of changing your password, let’s take a look at what you should be doing continuously to keep your data as safe as possible.


Use Two-Factor Authentication:

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a highly beneficial added security layer. It requires users to provide extra proof that they are who they say they are when trying to log into their accounts. 


Provide Ongoing Training and Education:

Cybersecurity threats are constantly changing and evolving. Ongoing training is necessary for your employees to stay updated on current threats and best security practices. 


Monitor Your Dark Web Status:

New data breaches are discovered every hour of every day. A once-and-done Dark Web scan will not be enough to protect your Dark Web status ongoing. Continuous monitor equals constant protection. 


Phish Your Employees Regularly:

In addition to training your employees on phishing, you must put them to the test. Sending simulated phishing emails will help ensure employees know how to spot phishing attempts when they hit their inboxes.


To make sure that your business has all the right processes in place to protect against a data breach, contact your Pendello Solutions Team today. Our team has the expertise to guide your business in developing the most effective path to help protect your data. 

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


Cybersecurity Superheroes Unite


What Is The Dark Web?