NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The What and Why’s of NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is designed with the intent that individual businesses and other organizations use an assessment of the business risks they face to guide their use of the framework in a cost-effective way.

The Framework is typically customized based on organizations’ unique risk posture (e.g., variance in threats, vulnerabilities, and risk tolerances, and how they implement the practices in the Framework). Organizations can determine activities that are important to critical service delivery and can prioritize investments to maximize the impact of each dollar spent. Ultimately, the Framework is aimed at reducing and better managing cybersecurity risk.

The Framework complements an organization’s risk management process and cybersecurity program. The organization can use its current processes and leverage the Framework to identify opportunities to strengthen and communicate its management of cybersecurity risk while aligning with industry practices. Alternatively, an organization without an existing cybersecurity program can use the Framework as a reference to establish one. Just as the Framework is not industry-specific, the common taxonomy of standards, guidelines, and practices that it provides also is not country-specific. Organizations outside the United States may also use the Framework to strengthen their own cybersecurity efforts, and the Framework can contribute to developing a common language for international cooperation on critical infrastructure cybersecurity.

If you have any questions on NIST recommended guidelines or to find out if your business is “NIST Compliant,” contact the team at Pendello Solutions. They are always up to date on the latest cybersecurity guidelines and want to make sure you are as well!

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