Look Out Slack, Microsoft Teams Puts On The Full-Court Press

Microsoft Teams updates, announced at the 2017 Ignite Conference

Ignite is Microsoft’s annual Technology education conference. It encompasses presentations, ask the expert sessions and hands on labs but one of the most anticipated portions of the conference is the announcement of new technology and updates to current products! This year’s announcements did not disappoint. One of these announcements deals with exciting updates and changes to Microsoft’s Teams application.

Teams shot out of the gates a year ago with ambitions to take over the inner office “chat” market. Even then, top competitors like Slack appeared to be shaking in their boots even publishing a full-page letter to Microsoft in a reputable publication (see previous blog). Last month, Microsoft announced it would be gradually exterminating Skype for Business. This comes to no surprise as Teams had already replicated most of Skype’s functionality. In addition to the already built capabilities of the “chat” application, Teams has now promised even better tools for even better future meetings. With the help of artificial intelligence, Microsoft is introducing speech recognition, machine learning and cognitive services. This means more improved meeting experiences and increased ease of follow ups after the meeting’s conclusion.

Teams is obviously living up to its pre-conceived reputation and is continuing to put the pressure on its #1 rival Slack. If you want to do the same to your competition, contact the experts at Pendello Solutions. They’ll answer any questions about Microsoft Teams and also help you up your business game through more secure, smarter, and more effective technology!

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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