Just In Time For Apple Picking: Ios 12

As of last week, Apple had released massive changes to their operating system. This update is one of logic and usefulness unlike many updates in the past that were not always helpful but leaned more on the sparkly side. This round appears to be very well thought out and baked. The changes, in fact, have not only been suitable for the new devices but also seem to be great improvements to the older technology as well.

Back in the fast lane:

The most beneficial update (in my eyes) is the performance update. Apple users, following the previous IOS update, many were incredibly frustrated and were yearning for the need for speed. With the IOS 12 update, Apple is promising between 40%-70% faster speeds depending on the application. Additionally, the older devices are actually running faster and more secure compared to the what happened with IOS 11.


Apple is attempting to make us better people!

Are you actually using your phone for good or is it a drain of time and energy? Now you will know! Apple has included a new dashboard to your settings that gives you a summary of how often you are using your phone and where exactly your time is spent. Are you actually on your work email or instead on Candy Crush Saga? You can even set limits on applications, and though it won’t lock you out of the application, you have to physically select the option to work on the essential things in life or drain your existence on worthless content.


Notifications not as Obnoxious

Apple has streamlined notifications. Each application has grouped notifications, and within texts, the notifications are grouped by sender. Additionally, within each notification on your home screen you can edit the filters by a simple swipe of a finger.

A little sparkle:

There are memojis which are custom animated avatars. Once these memojis are fully customized, these less detestable-looking avatars have a must more versatile role. They can even be layered within messages including on top of live pictures and video in real time.

Keeping us Safe on the Road:

For some useful-sparkle, Carplay now allows third-party map applications to be utilized. This means Waze and Google Maps will now be supported by CarPlay and more importantly have already started beta testing. No longer will you have to turn off your Bluetooth to hear more exact and useful directions while in the car.

Better Security:

For even more integration, Apple is improving password management! Like CarPlay, Apple is now allowing third-party managers like LastPass and 1Password to integrate into password fields in applications and browsers fully. Additionally, SMS passwords which are texted to you now pop up automatically as AutoFill suggestions saving you time and errors.

One for the developers:

Developers for the first time ever are now able to develop their own personal interactions with Siri. Within the new “shortcut” app, you can easily customize commands for many specific functions. For example, you could create routine-like shortcuts like a “drive home” shortcut which could adjust your home temperature, turn on your favorite pod-cast and give you real-time traffic notifications. All of this completed with a single request!

The updates seem like significant improvements, and it appears nothing was released unless it was thoroughly baked. So get on board and get your devices updated! Click on to settings and let er’ rip. We at Pendello Solutions love updates and hope you do as well. Keep your systems up-to-date and secure and as always, reach to out our fantastic Pendello team of technology associates for any questions on whether an update is right for your specific technology.


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