Bring More Than Your Laptop Back To The Office

Working from home, for many of us, it was fun while it lasted. For others, we couldn't wait to see it end. Now that we are reopening life as we knew it, people are scrambling to get back to the office. Many are eager to escape makeshift dining room desks that compete with family life and chaos or crave the social interaction and other structures that office environments provide. You might be in a combination situation, where you put in hours both at home and in the office. Either way, we are all going back, whether you are ready or not.

Although, what if there is malware that has been sitting on your laptop for a while? If so, it has been quietly gathering information unbeknownst to you. It has been waiting anxiously for the alert that it is no longer on your home network. Now, you will be tying it into the "mothership" of your office network. 

We know you did the best you could especially considering the urgency that sent us out to work from home. Sometimes the coffee shop was the quietest place to be. Truthfully most believe that the emails you were writing surely couldn't contain sensitive data, so there is no need to be concerned. But, unfortunately, you're probably mistaken. Like most things that you look back on with regret, it only took a moment. You turn your back – or your VPN – for one minute, and snap, it happens. 

What should you do to help to prevent any catastrophes? 

Regardless of the industry, you work in, we are all targets. We all need to think in advance to put policies and procedures in place for everyone entering back in the office. First, we need to require that every device is scanned for vulnerabilities before returning to the network. Once the devices are checked, we must validate that all software is up to date and that protective measures are in place moving forward. For ongoing protection, ensure that your employees are consistently trained on what they should look for with all emails, clicks, and views. As always, we need to ensure we have a plan in place for ongoing cybersecurity training.

To ensure that your team is ready and safely equipped to re-enter the office, reach out to your Pendello Solutions today. As we re-emerge from one catastrophe, let's make sure we are prepared for the imminent cybersecurity threat that surrounds us. 


At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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